Prenuptial & Postnuptial Marital Agreements

The purpose of prenuptial and post-marital agreements is to avoid an acrimonious divorce by resolving as many or as few issues which might arise prior to a marriage. These issues include the division of property, the treatment of the party’s non-marital assets, and the rights of the parties to seek maintenance.

While discussions of pre and postnuptial agreements can be difficult, it is important for clients to feel secure in the protection of their wealth and estate.

At Beermann, we focus on an honest and expedient approach, in which clients will know the extent of the law and what they need to put in place to ensure their financial security.

Our goal is to help clients achieve their desired outcome as quickly and painlessly as possible so they can comfortably and confidently move forward in their marriage without concerns about their financial future.

Prenuptial and postnuptial agreements are useful for individuals with significant estates, business owners, or parties who have been previously married and wish to make sure assets designated for children from a previous relationship are allocated accordingly. That being said, a party may choose to have a prenuptial or postnuptial agreement for a myriad of other reasons that are individual to him or her.

Prenups and postnups help ensure the security of your estate in the event of a divorce or death, and clearly define the financial expectations if a marriage comes to an end. They provide peace of mind and can help couples avoid lengthy and costly litigation. 

I’m not rich. Do I need a prenuptial agreement?
Yes. Resolve all issues in your divorce while you’re happy.

Can a prenuptial agreement address child support?
No. Prohibited under IL law.

Are prenuptial agreements enforceable in Illinois?
Yes, except in cases of duress or unconscionability.

Can my future spouse and I use the same attorney?
No. Attorneys’ duties are to their client, best that everyone have their own counsel.