Equity Partner Beth F. McCormack, Beermann LLP, and Senior Partner Jason Sposeep, Schiller, DuCanto, & Fleck, present at Northern Trust.

In their presentation titled “Demystifying Divorce,” Ms. McCormack and Mr. Sposeep share how their process sets them apart from their peers in the same space.  They also touch upon traditional litigation, mediation, and Collaborative Law and what process option is best suited for your own clients.

Presentation Description: Hear stories from two of Chicago’s leading divorce attorneys on how they are divorcing ultra-high net worth individuals differently…with dignity and respect despite the pain.  Can high conflict couples benefit from this process? Is it possible for everyone?  

For more information on Ms. McCormack, please visit: https://www.beermannlaw.com/team/beth-f-mccormack.